



Self-Care Saturdays or anyday of the week

How important is it to take care of ourselves during this time? Very. We cannot be at our best if we are only taking of others or avoiding taking care of ourselves.

Each persons ideal self-care is different and as roommates, housemates, spouses, family members, we should try to assist people in having the opportunity to take care of themselves and have some alone time.

For kids I know it can be hard to find alone time, we have started rest time (not naps) but a chance to reset, recharge, and find quiet (books can be read during this time).

  • Yoga or T'ai Chi can be great for helping to relax, breathe, and reset. If you are not familiar with techniques, there are numerous videos out there to help get you started or to concentrate on special areas or with themes.
  • Some quiet time and reading.
  • A bath or a shower in peace.
  • Grab a hot cup of tea or coffee in the morning or to put you to sleep.
  • Enjoy a refreshing cup of ice water with a combo of your favorite herbs, cucumbers, or fruit on the patio during the sunrise or sunset.
  • Do a fun five minute workout.
  • Scream into a pillow.
  • Write in a journal.
  • Create some art work.
  • Do a dance and sing party.
  • Sing your favorite song loud and clear.
  • Tell jokes or read them to laugh.

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