



"May the 4th Be With You!"

Today is a fun day know to "Star Wars" fans as a day for light saber fights, movie watching, dressing up or cosplaying, recreating favorite scenes, watching shows and cartoons, eating"Star Wars" themed food, and creating arts and crafts that match the day.

This year, as most of us are home, I expect there will be even more activity than usual as fans are stuck inside with all of their own fan gear available.

If you have a pool noodle laying around, you may slice them in half and use decorative duct tape to create your own for use in the pool or yard. 

I have seen a lot of "The Child" recipes and other favorites online for people to indulge in today. 

Those of you that have the time and patience can watch the movies in order (prepare for lots of time for this, popcorn, beverages, and of course bathroom breaks).

Have a fashion show as you favorite characters.

Charge those light sabers and learn some moves online and have a battle when the sun goes down.

Invite your neighbors or friends to photo challenges via text, video, or other social media apps.

Love the music- stream some John Williams music from the film.

There is no wrong way to celebrate the 4th- have fun!

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